Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Could it be better

"Could it be better"

By: Amelia Peña

Society, could it better?
Could there be less sorrow?
Is it possible people could stop bringing
Hatred, pain, and jealousy, to our society?
Could this be a better world?

They say that our world is what we make it to be,
But what if we make it a world that brings pain.
How would we, the people, stop from 
Becoming what we wish it would not become?
Is there a way, a way to make it a better place?

We, the children, are a new generation, 
A new era to our world.
Let's make it possible to change 
What has gone wrong, Let's be the ones
To change the world.

Don't you see what has happened 
To our society, technology
Ruined it, life was full of joy
And now with technology it made it full of sorrow.

People are easier to track/find
With technology. People can hurt
You with a single button, but we can stop it.
Open your eyes, see that there is more to
The world than just your phone, Ipod, Ipad.

Let go of the new and start bringing
Back the old, to make the world 
Worth living,

Open Your Eyes!
Could it be BETTER?

Can't there just be one

"Can't There just be One"

By: Amelia Peña

Can't there just be one?
Why do we have so many?
Feelings! I want to explode!
Hate, jealousy, guilt, sadness
All examples of feelings.

We all feel something different,
All experience different things.
It is impossible to feel one thing,
But can't we find a way to make it possible?
Is there, Could there be a way to just feel one?

Feelings! They take up space!
I have other things to worry about,
But if I worry about all the feelings,
Will I go insane?
My mom told me that we won't,
But could we?

People lie, so how do I know the truth?
What if it is possible?
I don't want to explode!
I feel as if I am wired with multiple feelings.
I feel like I am one too many.

There is too much to feel.
Too Much sorrow,
Too much pain,
Too much joy.
What if I don't want to experience all that?
What I want to turn it all off?

Make myself not vulnerable,
Make myself feel as if I am empowered,
As if people can't see what I'm feeling.
What if we can turn it off?
What if we want to turn it off?

I wish I can turn it off!

Friday, April 17, 2015

An Ode to Dance

"An Ode to Dance"

By: Amelia Peña

Dance, you let me be creative.
You show me a whole different
Point of view in life.
You make me who I am!

Oh Dance, you make me
Want to live the dream
Of being a dance choreographer.
You make life amusing and enjoyable!

You let me feel as if there is faith.
Dance, you let me feel as if there is 
A chance that I will succeed. 
You make me sense that all my problems 
have gone away.

Dance, like always you make me feel as if I 
were like everybody else. Typical!
Dance lets me hear all the songs,
that makes it possible to tell a story.

Hearing the music that plays 
While I dance helps me tell
And show a story as well.
Dance lets me show who I can 
Truly be!

It lets me see the bright side of an awful day.
Dance lets me see a totally different
Dimension and experience the beauty
That comes from it!

When I am with you dance, 
I can imagine that I am in a different place,
Surrounded by my favorite flower,
Orchids and when I bend down, I can
Smell the beauty that comes from the Orchid.

I can smell a nice summer breeze
As I dance in the garden in the center
Of the yard.

When I am dancing, I can be who 
I am and I don't have to hide what I want to be, 
because you accept me for who I truly am. 
That's all I ask from you!


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

"Where I'm From"

"Where I'm From"

By: Amelia Pena

I am from as a child
Seeing her father rarely
From jumping fences
And playing softball

I am from pictures
And quotes on the wall
From dancing till
My heart is contempt

I am from an uncle in the army
From growing up to hearing words everyday,
"Wherever I am, whether I'm far or near,
I will always love you as much as I do today."

I am from books and poems
All around
From Latin music
And parties

I am from a land that is both
Warm and cold
From cookouts 
And games

I am from a family
That is different from others
From forgetting memories that bring pain
And replacing them with better memories for
The future

I am from a DREAM!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Choral Reading

       The experience when preparing for a choral reading was a little overwhelming. It was overwhelming because you had to figure out when to start talking at the same time and when to stop. You had to know when was your part, how to say the words, and you had to have the props if you are using any ready. The experience of just preparing and figuring out what poem to do was completely different from anything else I have experience, it was difficult, but now that I have done it, I think I would be more prepared for next time.

       We can learn from this activity that poetry isn't just expressed by one person, but it is expressed by many. Poems aren't made specifically for one and only one person to get the idea from it, but it is made for every person on Earth. I know that from this activity I learned that poems have many meanings and has a lot of feelings.