Of Mice and Men: The Movie Blog
Of Mice and Men, is a very popular novella and movie. The difference is the way that the story is told in two different ways. There many differences between both versions of making the story come to life, but the biggest is the ending of the novella and movie...The Ending of the movie is of a flashback. The flashback shows Lennie and George carrying a sack over to wagon or truck. They throw the sack onto the truck, look at one another, and then turn around to walk away into the distance. As they are walking, George takes off his gloves and Lennie puts his hand on the back of George, they continue to walk away after that.
The flashback leaves the audience feeling melancholy and pessimistic. I think this ending makes the audience feel this way because you are actually able to see how the characters react to everything, which creates a more realistic feel to it. In a movie, you are able to witness each person's expressions, which somewhat causes the audience to feel as well, making the various emotions come to life.
The ending of the book is really different from the book. In the book, it ends with a single line said by one of the characters to another. The ending line occurs after George has shot Lennie and Slim comes in. Slim offers for him and George to go get drinks, while Carlson and Curley just stand there. On page 107, Carlson turns to Curley and says, "Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin' them two guys?" This tells us that the speaker, which is Carlson is way different from George and Slim. I say this because when they saw Lennie laying on the ground, dead, they didn't care at all and didn't feel any pain or sorrow. But, when they saw how George and Slim weren't really saying anything and looked kind of sad, they couldn't understand why.
The line leaves the readers with annoyance and suspense. The reason for the readers feeling this way is because the end left on a clip hanger. The readers were also left with these emotions because it did give most answers to various questions as to what happened to George and Candy's dream and what George did after he got a drink with Slim. Although, the book ended on a cliff hanger, it also ended with the death of George and Lennie's friendship which was the whole concept of the story mostly and what made it come to life in various ways.
In my opinion, the feelings that were felt at the end of the book compared to the movie did not match to one another at all. The book had some holes in it and the movie sort of filled in those empty holes a bit. For example, in the book, you weren't really able to view the other emotions of certain characters, but in the movie you were able to see every little and big change in a character. The book also did not match the movie because it used a lot of literary foils, which bluntly describes the characters, where in the movie you had to figure out sort of who certain people were and how they are. I think the author chose to use a different ending rather then ending the movie exactly like the book because the author was probably trying to give the readers/viewers different perspectives in a way on how the book/movie should. I think this because it allows the people to pick which ending they like best This also allows people who like to read on how the book should end and the way they want it to in their heads compared to the people who like sit and have the ending chosen for them like the movie did.

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