Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Blog for Week 10/26/15 - Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld

Prompt: How do Elements of a Story interact with one another?
Prep by: Curtis Sittenfeld
Pages read: 1 - finished

     The book that I have currently finished reading is Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld. The book is about  a girl named Lee Fiora. Lee is the type of girl that is very negative most of the time and always seems to be depressed. She doesn't have many friends, but she doesn't try very much to be outgoing or to be noticed. She attends a very high class boarding school called Ault, where all the rich and most prestigious kids go. Lee has always had a crush on Cross Sugarman, a guy that is super popular, that attends Ault as well, the only difference there is between them is that Lee doesn't have much confidence and she is not popular.

     The difference between my character now at the ending of the book compared to the beginning of the book is that Lee has gained a lot of confidence, is getting better grades, and has become very determined. The conflict that Lee was experiencing was seeing how Ault has changed her so much and the relationship that Cross and her had. Lee's parents, when they were visiting Ault were the first ones to notice how she had changed. Lee had became such an awful person at Ault that one of the affects that it had on her was her father yelling at her, which caused him to actually slap Lee in the face. The conflict between Cross and Lee's relationship, gave her confidence as an affect of it and it made Lee realize that she didn't need a guy like Cross to make her happy.
     As you can see, those two conflicts that Lee experienced throughout the story changed her very much, they changed her for the best and for the worst. She became stronger and more confident by Cross because he made her feel terrible, but also a little pretty. Her father made her feel more aware about what kind of person she is and how she be careful of what she says/does. Conflict in many stories either makes the character better, worst, or it could make change everything.


1 comment:

  1. I can see how the character changed due to conflicts, you had good evidence and explanation. Also, I agree with you that characters can change in bad ways as well as good ways.
