Friday, December 12, 2014

Harriet Tubman

      The first attribute that makes Harriet Tubman courageous is facing suffering with dignity and faith. In the text it says, "Harriet Tubman was whipped and beat during work as a slave." This quote means that Harriet Tubman got abused by her slave owner. Harriet was abused when she was a slave, she got whipped and beat up for reasons I do not know. Tubman is very brave because she found something to depend on while she was being abused. She had something to hold on that made her not want to do stuff to herself. Freedom is what Harriet had to hold onto and she got it.
       Second attribute that makes Harriet Tubman courageous is she stands up for what is right.
For instance, in the the text it says, "In 1850, Harriet Tubman helps her first slaves escape to the North." This quote shows that Harriet Tubman is courageous because she stands up for what is right, which is to end slavery. She helps slaves escape from the abuse and brutal work assigned to them by their owner. She helped them become free which was a big risk because if you helped them you would be against the law. She is brave and courageous. 

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