Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Bio Poem: Molly Barlow


Scared, hated, uncomfortable, lonely

A character in Katie Cotugno's story

Lover of showing affection, two brothers, and wanting to change

Who notices the cries for affection from her mother, who seems to use her just to write books about the secrets that she opens up about

Who feels the tough words of hate from people who she use to believe to be her friends, but all turned on her

Who learns to forget about the past and that not everything is her fault, it takes two people to make a wrong, not just one that is punished, while the other is let off the hook

Who says, "...I woke up today: a pattern from this summer, maybe, but instead of twin missives from either Donnelly brother this morning, they were from Imogen and Roisin...'Ready to go?'...'I am,' I tell her, and smile..."

Who used to be in love with two brothers at two different times, but both carry a big part in her heart

But now knows that she doesn't need them anymore, that she has other friends, who will always be there for her and care for her

Major character in "99 Days"

A book about self love, secrets, tough punishments, and making a change

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